Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Virtual Abacus: An initiative by Master mind

MasterMind Abacus has always centered itself on providing quality solutions to the students. But behind the course of action lies the conscious efforts of the teachers and trainers. They make the students understand the course, teach them and then augment their skills to learn the course.

To ensure superior training to the students we ascertain that the teachers and trainers should be supreme in what they teach. For this, we have introduced new training software called Virtual Abacus.

The Virtual Abacus is like a 24/7 master guide available to all the trainers of Master Mind Abacus franchises. They can refer to it at any point of time even after the training is complete from the company’s end.

How does Virtual Abacus Work?

In the software, you have to input a question on the screen with required mathematical signs, the tutorial will demonstrate the process to solve it on the abacus instrument that too with proper finger and thumb movements of both hands and displays the correct answer.

Here’s an example to be illustrated

Suppose we have to get a solution to 97+47-35+45. Firstly choose the operators ‘+-‘and input the sum. This is how it’s demonstrated over the screen:

Add 97
Now, click Next step on the screen
Add 47
Again click Next step
Less 35
Again click Next step
Add 45

The output displayed is 154 along with proper hand movements on the Virtual Abacus. Thus, we make teaching mental arithmetic to students through our abacus franchises simplified, friendly and convenient.

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